



punit is a command line tool performing regression tests on software units.

  punit [-h] [-d] [-q] [unit_name]
  unit_name         The name of the test unit and of the xml file describing it.
                    If ommitted 'punit' will be assumed and 'punit.xml' will be used.
  --help            Displays this screen
  --debug           Displays debugging informations during the execution
  --quiet           Don't displays any information except warnings and errors
  --version         Display the version of SHX::PerlUnit API
  --session_format  Sets the format of the directory created for the current session.
                    Default is YYYYMMDD-hhmmss-PP
                      Y:  year
                      M:  month
                      D:  day of month
                      h:  hour
                      m:  minute
                      s:  second
                      P:  Process ID

                    All other caracters in I<session_format> will be interpreted as literal except
                    '\{}[]()^$.|*+?/' which will be changed to underscore '_'.

                    The session will be created in ./PU/ directory or in the
                    directory specified by --output_path.

  --output_format   Sets the format of the commands results files.
                    Allowed formats are TEXT,HTML and XML. Default is HTML.
  --output_path     Sets the path of directory where to store the results.
  --result_file     The file to save the results in.


** a more verbose description


* some examples of use


BzcToOn'S <>


punit v0.1 - Created : 25.07.2002

2002 Copyright SyntHeretiX Studio
